Week 5 Lesson 1 Overview

Acute Homeopathy Course-start


Introduction up of remedies week 5

Euphrasia, Kali bich, Mercury  Nux vom & Pulsatilla


Euphrasia – if you want to see again? Take Euphrasia. This remedy focuses on the eyes:  The eyes are very teary; this can be for colds and allergies too. A great remedy for hayfever. The eyes are burning and irritated and you may have a headache from nasal congestion.


Kali bich – This is our go to for sinusitis, or pain at the root of the nose. Characterised by thick green snot. A ripe cold or one that has gone to the sinuses. A cough with thick stringy mucus. Kali bich is like pulsatilla, the pains can wander from place to place but usually deeper and more intense. Those needing Kali bick may talk in excessive detail about their symptoms.


Mercury – Think of bad smelling breath (Gingivitis, Halitosis), ulcers, ear pain and a person who is also anti-social.


Consider for abscesses and sores with bad smelling discharges. Colds or ear pain or infections with bad smell. Bad breath, Gingivitis, Halitosis. Drooling. Metallic taste in mouth. Throat is burning, raw, ulcerated. Toxicity as if one has ingested poison (seek medical advice if suspected poisoning). Perspiration. Night sweats. Eye infections (with photophobia). Very sensitive to both heat and cold. Distrustful, hurried, restless.


Nux vom – Always thought of as the hangover remedy, but beware, if your body would be better if you vomited …you will, after taking this. For the feeling of over-indulging (over-eating and full to bursting). Also for that bunged up constipated person. Normally busy type people who don’t have time to be sick. For muscle tension, indigestion. For fussy, colicky infants that arch their back. Consider for morning sickness.  “Let it go”


Pulsatilla The image of a weepy, hormonal teenager comes up; who does not know what to do with themselves and has wandering pains.

For an infant that is very clingy and weepy. Very emotional and they want to be outside wandering in the fresh air. For conjunctivitis with goopy discharge. Dry cough in the evening and night. For emotional issues around menstruation.

Enjoy your week learning these remedies and remember to watch our Weekly Saturday Roundup of the remedies where Kate and I discuss our experiences of using these remedies.


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