Week 6 Lesson 3 Kit Roundup


Kiddie and Feeling Poorly – Combined

Summing up the remedies


Always have the imaged of the surprised baby when I think of Aconite. Great for shock, I have given it after car accidents or similar horrible surprises. When a cold has come on suddenly after a blast of cold air.. Think of Aconite. Also used for fear of flying, fear of a crowd or fear of death. This was used in Christchurch for fear of earthquakes.


Allium cepa

Imagine rubbing onions in your eyes. This remedy would help allergies where the nose runs and the eyes weep, are sensitive and itchy such as “hayfever”. Throat is red, dry and tight. Violent sneezing. Great for a reaction to chopping onions!



Not just great for bee stings but a whole host of things that involve redness and swelling. Also with burning – allergic reactions. If you don’t have an Epipen when someone is having a severe allergic reaction then give Apis.



Arnica is the most famous remedy and known for its help with bruises. Did you know how they found out about Arnica? Sheep on the hill story. It helps blood to be the best it can be, that is why it’s so useful. The person who most needs Arnica, will tell you to leave them, they are fine.



Arsenicum is the first remedy to consider for upset stomachs while abroad / food poisoning. The person is fearful and worried about their illness and fear they may never recover. Stools are burning. Burning discharges with a runny nose. Also indicated for some coughs and wheezing.



Belladonna covers high fevers, angry tantrums, and a croupy cough. This is also a go to for sun burn and sun stroke or sun sickness. Belladonna is an excellent treatment for relieving a fever quickly & treating flu signs. Anyone with a flushed face or shiny skin will usually get excellent results by using Belladonna.



Bryonia is for a cough or headache or any situation where the person has lost the will to move but may be worrying about what they should be doing. For a splitting headache; a hard dry cough made worse by any motion. Stiff neck and back. This person wants to be very still and may be grumpy – think of a bear with a sore head.



Calendula is great for promoting the healing of minor cuts and grazes. Calendula is also great to use as a wash or in tincture form for cleaning wounds and can be purchased in cream and tincture form.



Chamomilla soothes tantrums, restlessness, screaming, ear infections and colic.  Think of Chamomilla for frustrated and contrary children who want say- pick me up put me down!  Less sick than belladonna not as weepy and delicate as pulsatilla.



Eupatorium  is a great flu remedy – the proper feeling “like you’ve been run over by a bus” type flu. So bad even your bones ache. The head is throbbing and dizzy. There may be nausea with vomiting. Cough with soreness in the chest. Also consider after a visit to the Orthodontist – aching jaw after adjustment.



Euphrasia if you want to see again? Take Euphrasia. This remedy focuses on the eyes:  The eyes are very teary; this can be for colds and allergies too. A great remedy for hayfever. The eyes are burning and irritated and you may have a headache from nasal congestion.


Ferrum phos

Ferrum phos – is for a collection of symptoms that make you think you are coming “down with something”. Taking a dose of Ferrum phos at this early stage may prevent a cold from developing further.

Consider for nose bleeds; feeling under the weather; for a slight fever with no other symptoms.


Gelsemium is a great cold or flu remedy; always think of floppy, dizzy, droopy, drowsy and dull. Muscles ache throughout the body. Also excellent for performance anxiety such as before an exam, speech and for stage fright (often with diarrhea).  For “Bone ache”, consider eupatorium.


Hepar sulph

Hepar sulph is a go to for grumpy teenagers with pus issues. Hypersensitive. Complaining. Also consider for a very sore throat which feels as if a fish bone is stuck in it. Swollen neck glands.  Hepar sulph is made from Volcanic sulphur; the pustules are explosive and needs to come out fully to heal. Great for abcesses, green pus, a productive cough with green mucus and sinus.



Hypericum has a focus on the nervous system. It eases nerve pain and helps if you have damaged your fingers or toes. Think of any area where there are lots of nerves, for example; pain in the tailbone. Consider for concussion if there is spinal damage as well.



Ipecac  is one of the most important nausea remedies, particularly for morning sickness. Also for a loose rattling cough which causes one to gag or vomit. Ipecac should also be considered to help someone who is bleeding heavily (always seek medical advice / opinion should bleeding be severe or not stop). So picture of Ipecac could be a pregnant lady feeling nauseous with a nose bleed and a loose rattling cough.


Kali bich

Kali bich – This is our go to for sinusitis, or pain at the root of the nose. Characterised by thick green snot. A ripe cold or one that has gone to the sinuses. A cough with thick stringy mucus. Kali bich is like pulsatilla, the pains can wander from place to place but usually deeper and more intense. Those needing Kali bich may talk in excessive detail about their symptoms.



Ledum is  used after vaccination, injection, and dental work as it helps to heal the trauma of puncture wounds. Often the area is cold and may have a black tinge. Consider for any injury that may be indicated for Tetanus, eg standing on a nail; or for injury from a thorn where there is swelling, coldness and sometimes even redness travelling from the area (give often and seek medical advice if at all concerned). For swellings and sprains of the foot.



Mercury – Think of bad smelling breath (Gingivitis, Halitosis), ulcers, ear pain and a person who is also anti-social.  Consider for abscesses and sores with bad smelling discharges. Colds or ear pain or infections with bad smell. Bad breath, Gingivitis, Halitosis. Drooling. Metallic taste in mouth. Throat is burning, raw, ulcerated. Toxicity as if one has ingested poison (seek medical advice if suspected poisoning). Perspiration. Night sweats. Eye infections (with photophobia). Very sensitive to both heat and cold. Distrustful, hurried, restless.


Nux vom

Nux vom – Always thought of as the hangover remedy, but beware, if your body would be better if you vomited …you will, after taking this. For the feeling of over-indulging (over-eating and full to bursting). Also for that bunged up constipated person. Normally busy type people who don’t have time to be sick. For muscle tension, indigestion. For fussy, colicky infants that arch their back. Consider for morning sickness.  “Let it go”



Pulsatilla The image of a weepy, hormonal teenager comes up; who does not know what to do with themselves and has wandering pains.

For an infant that is very clingy and weepy. Very emotional and they want to be outside wandering in the fresh air. For car or motion sickness which is better for winding the window down. For conjunctivitis with goopy discharge. For a sore tummy with gas and belching. Dry cough in the evening and night. For emotional issues around menstruation. Think of a “delicate little petal”.


Rhus tox

Rhus tox is often known as the chicken pox remedy, with rash, restlessness and hives thrown in.  it covers sprains, and pain from over-lifting. The skin or joints feel stiff / often red and stiff. Everything is better after the person is up and moving about. This could also be another flu remedy.



Silica Think of splinters, or to assist abscess cysts or boils anywhere on the body. Smelly feet. Sore throat with a splinter like pain. Constipation, ingrown toenails. Low stamina.A great puberty remedy:  intelligent, slightly delicate teens and children (Shy refined).


If you are wanting to push a foreign body out of the skin, best to use 6x or similar very physical potency, quite frequently.



Spongia is a great cough remedy. For a dry barking croupy cough, hoarseness; think of swallowing a dry sponge. Weak chest. Swollen glands and sore throat. It’s so hard to breathe, you can barely talk.