Week 4 Lesson 2 Rhus Tox


Rhus tox

Rhus tox is often known as the chicken pox remedy, with rash, restlessness and hives thrown in.  it covers sprains, and pain from over-lifting. The skin or joints feel stiff / often red and stiff. Everything is better after the person is up and moving about. This could also be another flu remedy.


Primary indicating symptoms:

    • Chicken pox and Shingles; Fine water filled crusty blisters; skin is dry, hot, burning and very itchy.
    • Backache (stiff – better for moving)
    • Cold sores
    • Hives
    • Impetigo
    • Influenza
    • Insomnia
    • Mumps,
    • Sore throat,
    • Poison ivy rash (or rash that resembles poison ivy rash)
    • Sprain or strain.


  • Restlessness of the body, with a constant need to move around to find a comfortable position. May experience aggravation of symptoms when starting to move but continued motion eases the pain.


  • Sprains and strains with a lot of stiffness
  • Injuries after over exertion, to tendons and muscles, bursitis, tendonitis.
  • Busy, active good humour who likes to make jokes.
  • Anxious at night time. Thinks someone wants to poison him.
  • Worse: rest, initial motion, cold and wet, night, during sleep, overexertion, touch, scratching bathing.
  • Better: Warm, continued motion.