Week 3 Lesson 1 Overview

Acute Homeopathy Course-start


Gelsemium, Hepar sulph, Hypericum, Ipecac, Ledum


This week covers some of big polycrests; meaning they are remedies that have lots of different applications.


Gelsemium is a great cold or flu remedy; always think of floppy, dizzy, droopy, drowsy and dull. Muscles ache throughout the body. Also excellent for performance anxiety such as before an exam, speech and for stage fright (often with diarrhea).  For “Bone ache”, consider eupatorium.


Hypericum has a focus on the nervous system. It eases nerve pain and helps if you have damaged your fingers or toes. Think of any area where there are lots of nerves, for example; pain in the tailbone. Consider for concussion if there is spinal damage as well.


Hepar sulph is a go to for grumpy teenagers with pus issues. Hypersensitive. Complaining. Also consider for a very sore throat which feels as if a fish bone is stuck in it. Swollen neck glands.  Hepar sulph is made from Volcanic sulphur; the pustules are explosive and needs to come out fully to heal. Great for abcesses, green pus, a productive cough with green mucus and sinus.


Ipecac  is one of the most important nausea remedies, particularly for morning sickness. Also for a loose rattling cough which causes one to gag or vomit. Ipecac should also be considered to help someone who is bleeding heavily (alway seek medical advice / opinion should bleeding be severe or not stop). So picture of Ipecac could be a pregnant lady feeling nauseous with a nose bleed and a loose rattling cough.


Ledum is  used after vaccination, injection, and dental work as it helps to heal the trauma of puncture wounds. Often the area is cold and may have a black tinge. Consider for any injury that may be indicated for Tetanus, eg standing on a nail; or for injury from a thorn where there is swelling, coldness and sometimes even redness travelling from the area (give often and seek medical advice if at all concerned). For swellings and sprains of the foot.



Enjoy your week learning these remedies and remember to watch our Weekly Saturday Roundup of the remedies where Kate and I discuss our experiences of using these remedies.


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