Week 3 Lesson 6 Ledum



Ledum is  used after vaccination, injection, and dental work as it helps to heal the trauma of puncture wounds. Often the area is cold and may have a black tinge. Consider for any injury that may be indicated for Tetanus, eg standing on a nail; or for injury from a thorn where there is swelling, coldness and sometimes even redness travelling from the area (give often and seek medical advice if at all concerned). For swellings and sprains of the foot.

Key Indicating symptoms:

  • Puncture wounds that are cold and black (particularly metal, wood, glass – anything that may be considered a risk for Tetanus).
  • Bites and stings (mossies, bees, spiders, cats, rats, dogs etc – anything that could cause blood poisoning).
  • Post vaccination effects from injection
  • Deep bruises to hands and feet (cold and black)
  • Injuries, sprains and strains with coldness.
  • Sprains with bruising. Sore heels and soles of feet. Swelling of the ankle and ball of big toe.
  • Poison ivy, oak (injury from)
  • Child is dissatisfied.
  • Worse: Heat, heat of the bed, being dressed too warmly. Motion, at night.
  • Better: Cold applications, cold bathing. Rest.

The use of Ledum as a remedy does not take the place of medical care but may be used until such care is available If there is any chance of Tetanus or Blood poisoning seek immediate medical advice.