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Workplace Wellness Quiz

Workplace Wellness Quiz

Are you concerned you might be too stressed out at work? It seems that stress is one of the biggest drivers leading to sickness and with increasing job demands, statistically around 40% of sick people are feeling pressured to go to work unwell and either not recovering fully or potentially spreading their coughs and colds to other members of the team. This in turn creates what we call a ‘Sick Workplace’ and results in diminished focus, productivity and financial stress both for companies and employees. So, what can be done? If this scenario sounds familiar, start by taking this ‘Workplace Wellness’ quiz and learn if it’s your work environment potentially affecting your quality of life.

And if it is, we can help.

Take this quiz to find out if your job is the source of your stress.

Answer “true” or “false” to the following questions, then see how your answers add up in the scoring section below.

1. __________ I feel like I have resources available to me to recharge.

2. __________ I feel like I have a good work-life balance.

3. __________ I look forward to going to work in the morning.

4. __________ I enjoy the people I work with.

5. __________ I feel like the tasks that I am doing are meaningful.

6. __________ I feel in control of my calendar.

7. __________ I feel more proactive than reactive.

8. __________ I feel like I have energy.

9. __________ I am able focus well at work.

10. __________ I feel like I am producing high-quality work.

11. __________ I have a good relationship with my boss.

12. __________ My boss advocates for my career growth.

13. __________ I work in a collaborative environment.

Mostly true: You are happy in your job and probably aren’t very stressed. You may want to ask yourself if you’re feeling challenged enough. Sometimes a little stress provides the impetus for adrenaline and can make it fun to accomplish something challenging.

Mostly false: You’ll want to take immediate action, speak with your boss about our Workplace Wellness Programme, or speak to one of us.

Equally true and false: You should be able to isolate the issue and remedy the specific part that’s causing you stress. Chatting with one of our health professionals is a great place to start.

FYI: Chances are you’re not the only one who’s stressed in your office or workplace. Take a look at our information here regarding Workplace Wellness and how we can work with you and your team to transform your environment, improving both productivity and the quality of life for everyone.

Need support to get yourself started? Why not talk to one of our team!

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