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Using Dr Google – so you think you have WHAT??

Using “Dr Google”

“So, you think you have what??”





We are not huge fans of Dr Google in clinic.  We believe he can do more harm than good!   I am all for people being informed about their health, but self diagnosis and seriously scaring yourself thinking you  have a particularly  distressing ailment – I’m not ok with that.

In this country,  it is your Doctors job to diagnose. Naturopaths are not allowed to diagnose , and neither should Dr Google.

How many times have I met a new patient who says “I think I have  @AB#!,  seriously, I have all the symptoms.”     My concern here is that many illnesses share many of the same symptoms.  Not seeking a qualified professional diagnosis and relying on Dr G instead can sometimes mean the difference between a good outcome and a poor one.

Of course, everybody googles their symptoms and that has enabled us  to become more knowledgeable  about our health, which is good, but the flip side is people are getting scared.  Apparently, nearly half of all health googlers end up more anxious than they were before they logged on because some   medical sites, blogs, and Wikipedia pages can present  confusing misinformation.

Maybe you feel it is inconvenient   or too expensive to  make an appointment to see your doctor or naturopath and it’s  SO much faster on the net!  It takes seconds to type symptoms into a search engine…and just a few more to learn that those persistent gut spasms could be IBS, or Chrohns Disease or bowel cancer!!  OR it could just be food sensitivity and a lot of gas!

Marie had been tired for weeks. A web search for “fatigue” brought up site after site describing her exact symptoms and she was convinced   she had chronic fatigue. So, of course, she ordered supplements online which promised to fix the problem. When they didn’t—several months and hundreds of dollars later—a blood test revealed she was   actually anaemic.  I have heard of cases where people are spending upwards of $300 ordering supplements from overseas websites which promise to “fix” their  problem  because “the  website says they will”.   It is very concerning.  In the $300 case it was for a multivitamin and mineral supplement. I think money would be better spent  on a good broad based multivitamin with similar ingredients  for $30 from the local  pharmacy or naturopath if it were needed.

A Nielsen Online Survey in March 2014 found that more than 80 percent of the population check out health help online, and around 60 percent of searches are done specifically to diagnose a medical condition. Psychologists have actually given this symptom obsession, real or imagined a name: Cyberchondria.  In a recent study by Fergus, it was found that medical googlers experienced health anxiety because of their intolerance to uncertainty. (Weller, 2015)

I think it is important to remember that there is probably a non life threatening explanation for what you are feeling – and if you are really worried, don’t assume the worst.  Make the time to see your Naturopath or GP.  Peace of Mind is priceless!



Fergus, T. (2013). Cyberchondria and intolerance of uncertainty: examining when individuals experience health anxiety in response to Internet searches for medical information. PubMed.

Goldberg, I. (n.d.). Paging Dr Google. Retrieved from Glaucoma Today :

Weller, C. (2015, May 07). Medical Daily. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from