The biggest thing to fear is “fear” itself.
We’ve been inundated with questions about the Measles lately. The main problem we are hearing is that people just don’t know what to think or what to do. What we can’t do is tell you what to do regarding vaccination: this is your choice and the choices we make are based on many things, which is why I ask that no nasty comments are placed here or on our social media platforms regarding this. It is however very important to keep an eye out for the following symptoms:
Symptoms: Measles presents with a dry cough, runny nose and sore eyes known as conjunctivitis. There can be a sore throat and then a rash develops with large, red blotches on the skin.
Some good information from the Ministry of Health:
Measles is a childhood viral disease and is usually mild for healthy children however there can be rare and serious complications. The measles virus is most commonly acquired by inhaling microscopic droplets that contain viral particles (“airborne” transmission). Less frequently, Measles is acquired by direct contact with body fluids (e.g. nasal, throat secretions) of infected patients.
The Ministry of Health recommends vitamin A for all infants and children hospitalised with measles. Vitamin A for treatment of measles is administered once daily for 2 days at the following doses: 200 000 IU for children ≥ 12 months of age.
Vitamin A is important for a good level of immunity against or for recovery from the measles. If you require specific brand or dose please email the clinic at Please be patient as we receive many emails.
Other recommended nutrients are Vitamin C and Zinc.
Homeopathy: The theory of homeopathy is to match a remedy picture with the symptoms being presented, eg Belladonna as a berry; if you consume poisonous berry: you will experience fever, red face, temper and high temperature etc. Therefore, if these are your symptoms, Belladonna may be useful in supporting your body to cope and return to balance. The main remedies to consider and that are most indicated to reactions from Measles (or for reaction after vaccination) and for many viral illnesses traditionally are:
First symptoms: fever, runny nose, sore eyes, a cough. There may be white spots inside the mouth, with a rash appearing later.
- Aconite: an excellent first choice to consider, particularly if the symptoms come on suddenly and may reduce the severity of symptoms. Symptoms include a high fever, especially coming on late at night around midnight, thirst and eyes may be painful.
- Pulsatilla may be useful if you notice a rash appearing. The mucous from cough / nose is more like a cold with thick yellow mucous and often a chesty cough. People needing Pulsatilla often feel very “delicate” and often weepy or emotional. Think of a miserable little child with a snotty cold.
- Bryonia: for the slow appearance of a rash. The cough is more painful that Pulsatilla, and there may be a severe headache. Think of a “bear with a sore head”, where movement makes the cough, or headache feel worse and therefore needs to stay very still. There may be fever and chills and great thirst with a dry mouth.
- Euphrasia is a remedy which focusses mainly on the eyes (particularly conjunctivitis). Eyes may be streaming or swollen. You may notice the tears irritate the skin. There will usually be a runny nose and headache and chills.
Second Stage – with rash
- If the rash is burning or stinging: Apis. Think of being stung by a bee, with burning, stinging shiny swollen skin which feels better for cold applications and worse for being covered or warm.
- If the rash is itchy with tight skin: Rhus Tox – rash is very itchy, and feels better from warmth. The person is very restless and can’t sit still, they may have fever with chills, and feel better from warmth and motion.
There are many more remedies. If you require help or direction, please contact the clinic and ask to speak with a homeopath.
IMPORTANT: If you are sick with a fever or rash, please don’t come into clinic as we need to protect ourselves and others, however we can help you via skype or phone consultation and send you what you need. We are available for phone consultations if you should become ill. Please call during normal clinic hours on 09 479 1171, or email
Please also remember that the best way to prevent the spread of disease in society is to “take yourself out of it in the short term”, so if you can stay away from crowds, pools etc. that would be ideal.
If you need urgent medical care please seek it from your local GP or After Hours clinic. If you are concerned at any time, you can ring Healthline on 0800 611 116 to speak to a registered nurse.