

If we took  a moment to stop and look around  we might find that  life is generous – and there is always enough to go around.  You’re reading that and thinking seriously?  The abundance train missed my stop!

It is a simple fact that there is an unlimited Source of everything we need or could ever want. This great abundance is already ours,  available to all of us all the time.

The Manifestation of ABUNDANCE  espoused by spiritual teachers like Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay and Deepak Chopra  is not a new concept . Often when we hear about The Law of Abundance or Attraction, it refers to money. While it certainly does include financial prosperity, it is much more than that. Abundance relates to the state of being consciously connected to our Source energy.

When we entertain a lack mentality, such as a lack of time, money or other resources, we literally create an energetic wall around ourselves that keeps those very things from entering our lives.

What really is abundance?  Is it a tangible thing – abundant wealth or intangible abundant health?  What one considers abundance another thinks is going without – it’s a perception.   The dictionary describes abundance as a great or potential amount or being in rich supply. We do live in an abundant universe, and we attract what we put out there.  Each day is a new day that is full of possibilities.  What is it that you would like to do or be or have more than anything else in the world?

I read somewhere that if  ou hold a thought for 17 seconds the Law of Attraction kicks in but hold it for 68 seconds and things begin to move, manifestation has begun. Whether that is so or not,  if you can think about what you do want in your mind , and focus on that, you can bring that into your life.   In reverse, focussing on what we DON”T want tends to bring us more of the same! Using positive affirmations, meditation, taking action and expressing gratitude for our many blessing is the key.  Keynote speaker Brian Tracy says that thinking continually about what you want and not the things you fear pays dividends.

Peace, prosperity, healing and wellbeing is within the grasp of everyone.  Release those things that don’t work for you any more, just let them go, and  make room for something better to fill up that space.

Never underestimate the power of the imagination to create miracles. If you listen to your inner voice and truly believe that you are a magnet for the good stuff  then you draw that energy towards you – and I know which sort of energy I would rather attract! Energy flows where intention goes! Pay close attention to the abundance you already have and give yourself permission to be prosperous.

Why not try ending your  day with a positive thought , no matter how hard the day was there must be one thing to be positive about and thankful  for.  You have nothing to lose, and perhaps everything to gain!

