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Top tips on managing Stress

Top tips on managing Stress

It is estimated that over 75% of all doctor’s visits are stress related, or due to stress related complaints!  I know  we  see the  effects of stress in clinic every day – adrenal fatigue, anxiety, sleeplessness, fatigue, poor digestion.

So, what happens to your body when you are stressed?

If you are under acute stress, your adrenal glands will produce adrenalin and cortisol. This means your heart rate will speed up, your blood pressure will rise, your pupils will dilate, your liver will release glucose and there will be increased blood flow to the muscles to help you cope with the perceived “threat” …  This is so that, if you have to flee really fast you can – the Flight or Fight Syndrome!

If you are living with chronic stress – worried about finances, your job, your health, the life issues we face every day – your body will cope for a time, then you start to notice signs and symptoms like sleeplessness, fatigue,  high blood pressure, lowered immunity, stomach and digestive issues like IBS, ulcers, gastritis, constipation, bloating and gas, or you might experience fertility issues, or develop heart problems.  Bodies weren’t made to cope with continual stress – there has to be some down time!

Some top tips to manage stress include:

  • Work it out! – add regular exercise into your daily routineMy remedy chillax
  • Sleep and rest – try and get plenty of it
  • Learn to say NO!
  • Eat well – a diet rich in whole foods, nutrient packed!
  • Breathe! – don’t underestimate the power of the breath. If you learn slow rhythmic deep breathing you can regulate the nervous system, slow down those racing thoughts, calm a fast heartbeat, avoid that panic attack and feel less anxious and stressed.
  • Laugh – last thing you feel like doing or making time for? Releasing some feel good endorphins with friends is a winner or watching a funny movie works too.
  • And, never underestimate the power of Natural Medicine to alleviate stress!  We have herbs, flower essences, homeopathics and supplements to help you on your way in a calmer, saner way, with a healthier body as well! One of our most popular products has been this remedy on the right: Chillax. To find out more, click this link.

If you notice that the stress in your life is becoming harder to deal with, make sure you book a time with one of our practitioners. You can email to book a time:



Hechtman, L. (2012). Clinical Naturopathic Medicine. Chatswood: Elsevier.

Neff, K. (2011). Self-Compassion. New York: Harper Collins.

Sarris, J. (2010). Clinical Naturopathy. Chatswood: Elsevier.

Wilson, J. L. (2009). Adrenal Fatigue. Petaluma: Smart Publications.